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Issane Namniss Website

Web Development

laptop screen show for the website of Issane Namniss project


Issane Namniss, which means "camel meat" in the Tamasheq language, is a camel meat drying unit specializing in producing high-quality dried camel meat.
Based in Tombouctou, the unit aims to promote dried camel meat in urban areas and market the products commonly known as "Klichi." These Klichi products are prepared by adding spices and condiments to the meat during its preparation and drying process, resulting in a variety of delicious recipes.
The website provides information about the unit's operations and emphasizes the promotion of dried camel meat as a unique culinary experience.
Through visually captivating design elements, intuitive navigation, and engaging storytelling, the website immerses visitors in the vibrant world of the artist while showcasing the unique qualities of dried camel meat and the cultural significance behind it.


Issane Namniss.


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